Wow this is so sad. Sounds like he is a TI which would make sense. I wish I still had it but I was on his email list until 2-3 years ago when he sent out an email trying to debunk the reality of chemtrails in great lengthy detail ... I thought he was awake and I had always really appreciated all his work on EMFs until this point ... I don't know if his list got hijacked at that point or what was going on but it was such a departure from who I thought he was. I ended up very confused and unsubscribed at that point.

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Really? That is very surprising. Well, I have been fooled myself way more than once, and I am sure I will be fooled again. Live and learn, as they say (hopefully!). We are all imperfect people trying to better ourselves in this mad, mad world. When one fails, another picks up the baton and runs as hard as they can until the next pal shows up to help. He's done enough running to be called a worthy player for the team. I hope he can retire without the attacks now. Praying for the best!

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Yup, I remembered that & thought he was NOT very intelligent.

While I no longer call them chemtrails (I call them poison spraying), the fact is that they are poisoning us.

I stayed on his list, but lost some respect for him after that.

Why even do an article about that? What was his motive?

The problem with most people is they ONLY study one topic.

You can't be a real Truther unless you study TONS of topics because they are all interlinked.

And I'm the ONLY ONE who talks about DOR & if memory serves, I may have written him about DOR & the evils, & if I did, I think he ignored me. I don't want to say because I can't remember, but I think I did.



The evils are hiding the topic of morgellons.

I can't believe I can't find way more videos on this topic.

I uploaded one video, then watched another I didn't like because they said it had NOTHING to do with chemtrails, but I'll upload it anyway b/c it will prove once again how evil the mafia gov't is.

Anyway, I'm not 100% sure yet, but this guy said that the only thing that helped his sores was vinegar. I was like Hmmm, this must be a puzzle piece b/c of that link I gave you above.

Unfortunately I haven't tried it yet b/c I am no longer in the US & I couldn't find tea lights, & by the time I got the tea lights it was too windy & now I don't have a table to put it on outside.

Anyway, I hope others will all try it to see if it actually works.

I'm pretty positive the morgellons is tied to the poison spraying & probably cell towers. Unless someone can prove to me that morgellons existed pre-cell phones.

I was going to go down the orgone route, but Think Tank partner #2 didn't just put up one, but several, & at first it was working, but then it stopped.

Plus most of the people who sell these stuff are scammers. Probably COs too. https://ourfreesociety.com/controlled-opposition/

The orgone machine was from the 50s, so obviously the evils have way stronger weapons now.

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@StephanD, I found it and would be happy to forward the original email from Feb 1/23 to you if you want to see it .

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Sure, please send to my email. Thanks Sonja.

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Ok will do. Sonja

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Ok, I guess you ignored my comments I spent a lot of time writing up.

I ordered from someone else since I never heard back from you here.

I'll just remove myself from your substack.

Take care

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Hi Michelle, ignored might not be the proper word here. I try to keep up, but I am only human. I had seen your comments and didn't have the time at the moment to answer such long comments, I thought I would get back to it, but forgot. We all live busy lives. I guarantee if you make your comments shorter, it will increase your chances of getting a proper response. Best, Steph

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Yes I read this email from his list a couple of months ago I think.

I figured he was attacked by the evils, but if he wasn't, he could be lying. COs always lie AND steal your money from you by getting zombies in the fake awake community to donate.

Zombies never donate to real people like me, almost only to the COs.

I don't want to say one way or another b/c I'm not sure. He may just be very stubborn & refuse to study the TRUTH.

The only reason I'm saying this is because of what he said about poison spraying.

This was back in Oct., it's now Dec. Have you spoken to him?

Also, when I first came across him, I knew that nothing was going to come of his efforts.

Anyone who STILL worships the mafia gov't is a zombie.

The court system is tied to the mafia gov't obviously & the whole role of the mafia gov't is to enslave the slaves (that's us) & to protect the evils.

It's always been that way.

Anyone who still thinks America is the land of the FREE is very very brainwashed.

It's NEVER been FREE.

https://ourfreesociety.com/Truth-About-America &





The hardest thing is to unbrainwash yourself from everything you were brainwashed to believe your whole life.

I know it's hard, but after 5 years of this war, if people STILL worship the mafia gov't, they are just too low IQ for me & that's another reason why the evils can mind control them, because they both don't know the Truth (a lot, not all, no one knows it ALL) or they don't take care of their brain which, IMO, is the most important part of your body although they are all tied together.

Here's only some of the industries people have to stop worshiping.


I can't remember if I emailed you re: your device.

I saw it at one point, but I can't remember if I looked into it any further then that & the price.

Thanks for wirting.

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I made this post simply out of respect for his work on the wonderful book he created, which helped convince me to make the electromagnetic devices I produce now. The people who use them are also waking up to the fact that we are electromagnetic beings. It’s important to ground yourself, go out into the sun, and realize that instead of taking supplements loaded with garbage, you can directly affect your electromagnetic being with these devices. The results have been simply amazing for me to observe.

I’m extremely grateful for people who put out this information. No one’s perfect, and everybody’s limited. As long as someone doesn’t have evil intentions, I’ll try to help if I can, while at the same time it’s essential to find flaws in our reasoning. And yes everything is completely corrupted at the top, and most people are not waking up. They’re still talking about the Rockefeller medical system as if it’s legitimate. I just watched Maria Zeee’s latest video, and all the experts she brought in still believe there’s a virus. It's like people are under a spell. If you repeat a lie enough times it's like it's been etched in their mind and you can't take it out of there, logic doesn't apply anymore.

I looked up your channel and site. You’re posting a lot of useful stuff—thanks, good work!

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Part 2

When the evils attack, they attack all over.

I wish we had someone who could just research via a map, where people say they are getting sick so we could figure out where they strike & if it's always the same places every time.

The amount of attacks are increasing.

This year (this is just the ones I know of based on me feeling it or my TT partner feeling it) was:

April 8 during the fake eclipse - I believe CERN was involved & I STILL have to upload that video I found that finally proves they DO use CERN.

August 8th or 10th (I'd have to look it up). I was attacked so harshly that I was sick for a few days shy of a month. They never attack on just the one day, I figure it goes on for at least 2-3 weeks.

November 15 - full moon

December 16 - I think b/c my bottle water guy was complaining about a headache & then I got sick yesterday.

This is part of fighting in the war no one helps me with.

What is your technical background as far as making this device?

I'm a HUGE frequency fanatic. The problem is, I don't know how to tell if a frequency tone is legit or not. So far we can only tell if it's in 440 or 432, but that doesn't tell me if the hertz is correct & that hertz correlates with a specific ailment & how does one even MAKE a tone for a specific ailment?

I need someone who's made legit ones. Good luck with that, the main guy's tones I use disappeared just before the war started I think. My guess is that the evils got to him. sigh

I have all of his tones.

They helped me when I got zapped from a zombie the first time back in 2021.

Nothing I took holistically would hep, ONLY the tones.

Some of the other tones I have (or had) are fake & meant to harm us & they are ALL OVER nazi YT. 3 years ago I even lost over $300 (my bad) for buying one guy's whole slew of tones & then I hated them & never listened to them.

I just found out that a few were evil so I had to scrap them & remove them from my tone cloud - https://ourfreesociety.com/healing-frequency-tones

If you can tell me how I can tell, & how I can make the tones on my own, that would be much appreciated, assuming you know how.

I had been saving up for a Spooky 2, then I decided I didn't want it both because of the name & also because it requires a computer.

One should never have to use a device that's toxic to heal. That's obviously counter intuitive.

RIFE machines (fake or otherwise) are too expensive for me, & one day I realized they may never completely heal someone. This really freaked me out when a woman in one of the RIFE groups on evil FB started freaking out b/c her machine broke.

I was like, HANG ON, are you telling me you have to use the machine FOREVER because your body never heals?

That made NO sense to me.

Either she likes being sick & she uses it as a crutch, or it doesn't work. I'm not talking about needing tune-ups, I'm talking about someone being so addicted to it that they have to use it every day.

One "doctor" (I hate whitecoats unless they become whistleblowers) started selling his device and not only did the woman who called me believe in the fake virus, so does HE! I questioned her about it in fact.

It wasn't a RIFE per say, something about scalar & very expensive.

I'm now on the fence about scalar after watching a scalar video that divulged how dangerous it is for the evils to change our DNA I think it said sigh.

Hint, when no one talks about a topic, you know it's behind HIDDEN by the evils.

Whether it's only dangerous if you make it that way & isn't dangerous if you don't, that I don't know.

I even bought scalar EMF prevention pyramids from NZ, it gave me a headache when I got it & then within 6-12 months I felt NOTHING.

I'm in love with the recent REAL shungite I finally got, but also, I feel nothing now.

Even giving out your picture is very dangerous I learned from this other site I have a feeling is evil run.

They take your pic & supposedly run it thru some kind of scalar device.

That's when I figured out they can harm ANYONE just by their pic & name & guess what, that's what evil spell casters do. No coincidence there.

And what does EVERYONE give out on evil FB? Their real name & pic. sigh

Anyway, one more thing before this turns into a book SMH....

Most people don't want to understand that almost EVERYONE in the fake awake community are COs.

I'm not saying he is, I'm saying I rarely trust ANYONE, especially after 5 years of SOLID EVIDENCE they start saying things that aren't inline with the Truth.

He stated poison spraying doesn't exist. That's why I said, does he even know what it is, or is he trying to sway his viewers?

Please read over the CO page. I should edit it actually.

The way they work is that they tell you thinks that are True so you start to trust them, then they steer you in the wrong direction somehow.

Whether it's 6 months later or 6 years later (David Icke), that's how it is.

You can't trust ANYONE in the fake awake community & I'm not even sure if he would be in that space. Come to think of it, has he even written on the fake virus?

Did he take the death jab?

Even if he didn't, I've been taken by a few (not many since I don't worship anyone & I have somewhat strong CO dar LOL) COs in my time.

It's not about being negative, it's about the TRUTH. If you are in this space, you need to know how the evils control this space.

I have close to 40 (I think) COs listed. Some with flimsy evidence all the way upto more evidence. Flimsy meaning they hang around with other COs.

That for me is not proof proof, but if they ONLY hang out with COs, that's a red flag.

You mentioned Maria Zeee & when I was reading your sentence I was like holy shit, it rhymes. I have to add that to my doc.

Can't be a coincidence.

If it's a stage name, why is it a stage name?

Why does she only have people on her show that believe in the fake virus?

One person okay, but if you care about who you interview because you want to showcase the Truth, at some point you ONLY bring on people you trust.

And of course she's tied to Alex Jones who is totally CO, plus she's above average in looks.

I have liked all of the videos I've seen of her & I don't watch her often because I didn't really resonate with her even though she's very polished. TOO polished.

I have one video where she praises trumpet which right there proves to me she's CO. Again, if anyone STILL worships the mafia gov't anywhere in the world, they are NOT awake enough for me. I only care about FREEDOM, not SLAVERY.

She had a guy I do trust who showcased the EVIL DIGITAL PRISON - https://ourfreesociety.com/Digital-Prison-Final-Lockdown

Ok, that's enough, it was a mini book LOL


Take care


P.S. Thanks for the compliment, it means a lot.

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I understand what you were trying to do & I applaud you for that.

I'm just saying that at this stage learning only one topic is pointless. It should have been obvious that it was pointless right after the scamdemic died down.

To put the puzzle pieces together you have to learn (or know someone who has learned) the other topics & there's TONS of topics.

That's why I have my Think Tank.

I can only learn so much which is why everyone needs to learn a few topics really well & for us to discuss them in private of course, to put puzzle pieces together.

But if people do NOT unbrainwash themselves from those 3 industries at the very least, & religion as well which I know is asking too much of 9 B people, no change can be made. It's impossible.

Brainwashing is a REAL problem & so is the MIND CONTROL.

If you could come up with a device that would UN MIND CONTROL PEOPLE, I would love you TO DEATH!!!

I've been wanting to test the frequency weapons on zombies to see if it can break their mind control thoughts, but NO ONE has volunteered a friend or family they can test on. sigh

He could have spent all of his time working on other things instead of going after the mafia gov't, knowing full well they would come after him. I'm still not sure if they did go after him, he's CO, or it's just the evils' weapons that made him sick. Unless you know him personally & you can see that he is indeed sick not just for one visit where they can fake it, there's no way to know for sure.

And here's another point, you can't attack the evils by yourself. If you do, you will lose.

That's the Spiritual message in all of this, that we have to attack them together.

To join together as a Human Species & realize that THEY are the enemy, not us, AND that we need to gather together to help one another even if we don't resonate with every person which clearly I don't, but I do fight for HUMANITY as a whole.

We can't live by ourselves. We only know ourselves (I hope even though most people don't) because we are responsible for ourselves, but we need others because we are social animals & there's no way you can grow & build & sell everything yourself. WE need OTHERS. That's a fact.

I say this because so many PURE BLOODS think they will never go outside ever again or allow any zombie to touch them.

Unfortunately at this stage in the evils' GAME, they use their mind control AND emotion control weapons to manipulate people's thoughts AND emotions.

I didn't realize they were doing both until it happened to me. I thought hey only had mind control weapons. I have a few videos on that topic.


This is how they can stop 2 people who are working together from trusting one another.

I added a new poll to my polls about whether people have noticed that people (both zombies & so called PURE BLOODS are becoming nastier.

If people can vote on the polls it will help me with data gathering - https://ourfreesociety.com/polls

I know it's True & I even get angrier at times & I never know if it's just the stress of the war (PTSD), dealing with low IQ people, the stress of living in this country, or the evils are making me angrier.

I can't remember, how much is your device again?

You can email me or contact me on TG with the price if you want.

Here's the thing about grounding which I REALLY REALLY wanted to do.

I live in a terrible country where unless they live out in the country, there is NO GRASS anywhere. They all think it's okay to concrete up everything.

This city I was forced to move to is very very toxic.

I noticed when I tried to ground on Mother Earth, that I couldn't feel anything. Sometimes I can but only for a short while, other times I can't.

I know the evils are harming Mother Earth too. I figured this out 2 years ago when Mitch mentioned that they stick the 5G weapon PIPES or whatever they are called, into her so it fucks up her frequency. sigh

That upset me sooo much.

Back to the city I moved to just over a year ago. Poison spraying non stop, I'm sure tons of DOR too, & I just noticed a 5G tower beyond the complex I live in (no clue if it's new or was there when I first moved in), & yesterday I was sick as a dog. The evils attacked us again.

Think Tank partner #3 has been sick for over a month now. sigh & he lives nowhere near me off in EU.


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