
Oh, by the way, I forgot to discuss that I have concerns about the wisdom of taking chelating agents "to clear up the blood". The blood represents only somewhere around 10% of the total liquids of your body. So we don't know what happens to the material if it goes out of the blood. Nobody's measuring their urine or feces to see if it's being excreted. What if it's being pushed deeper into the body, as is surely the goal for the stuff. I think this is extremely important to consider. We have to see the whole picture here.

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Oct 26, 2023Liked by Stephan D

Hey Stephan, good name brother. Thanx for sharing. I wanted to share with you a channel on here, SS of Karl C. August 14 post he shows his blood before and after doing a 2 day once a day ACTIVATED CHARCOAL mixed in water. Night and day difference. I appreciate the slides Stephan. Seeing is believing. Talk is cheap. These lotions and baths with EDTA, Borax, Salt or Baking soda / to me show no proof of pulling out and expelling nanotech and other contaminates. How can that be proven? But before and after slides actually show what works and what doesn't/ or what somewhat works. I've been doing a staggered mix between Zeolite powder, Fenbendazole, Diatomaceous Earth, Borax and now activated Charcoal. Plus my vits and sups. 3 years religiously now. I don't have the means to see my blood under scope so I do what I visually see works from those of you who show results. Thanx and blessings brother.

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Thanks man! Yeah, I also read Karl C substack, thanks. About the following product : Zeolite powder, Diatomaceous Earth. According to Tony P, we should avoid everything with silica in it. And aluminum, of course. Apparently the Nanotech is using it as building block. I'm going to do a video with him in the coming weeks and cover that. Cheers.

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Yes, Iearnt silica based products were interfered with immensely 3 years ago. It altered, ate into all glue sealed slides, formed tubules and other structures. It swirled silica based glues into the middle of the sample and began forming structures. Women who have morgellons disease have had worse problems and serious pains with fake breasts containing silica material. My neighbor had it bad with red dots all under the breast crease. Over time I saw many complain of same issues while knowingly having morgellons disease.

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I love your substack by the way!

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Hey thank you sir. I try, just getting started still :) I'm struggling to keep up with all the exploring and reading I used to do. So much intense work everyone's doing on these topics. I read few of your substacks and 3njoyed my time there too. 😉

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Hey Karl, in the following post, you misspelled Matt J.A.O.B (you're missing the A)


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Agh nooooo, I am Always trying to discredit matt somehow just to wind him up 😁 I totally meant to do that....... Just kidding matt Jab..... Oops did it again 😉. I will go back when I'm on the pc and correct it. Thank you Stephen! I messed up Shimons name on the other post too. My mind plays tricks on me

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Is bentonite clay ok? What about bamboo charcoal?

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WOW! Could you make a video about that? There's so many people taking stuff that contain silica, that would be super helpful to bring light to this issue.

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Im not sure I can for a while. Moving about at the moment. But when I get the chance I will try it again. I have some pics that show this clearly happening though. Next week i get my drives back from my other PC and should be able to post those images up. If I forget you can remind me Maybe.

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Of course, man, no rush. OK I'll take a note.

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Our activated charcoal comes in vegetarian gel capsules. I open them and tip the charcoal into a cup, discarding the caps (on instinct that they can't be good to ingest). I left a cap on the sink and it mixed with water. It's turned into a rock hard glue that I now have to figure out how to remove from the porcelain sink :/

I googled the composition of vege capsules and it said this:

Hypromellose, short for hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, is a semisynthetic, inert, viscoelastic polymer used in eye drops, as well as an excipient and controlled-delivery component in oral medicaments, found in a variety of commercial products.

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Hi there I can confirm I suffered a major allergic reaction to those eyedrops with the hypromellose in it...I looked like I had been sunburnt from the eyes/face neck downwards....red 2nd degree burns!..which the dermatologist just would not believe me that I hadn't used a sunscreen (never have)...and kept saying to me "I" must be mistaken, as the burn line looked like where my t-shirt neckline came up to. I don't use any and avoid sun naturally. It's on my list of countless items am allergic to. It's bad!

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Yes, I have recently expressed my concern to others that these materials might actually be feeding undesirables or possibly be contaminated. Some of us were going to dilute some and check.

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That would be interesting to check.

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Does this include FIJI water? I just bought a load on the advice of a substacker who runs a health website! it will piss me off if its contaminated as I have given it to my dog too. I also bought a bottle of silica additive to put in my filtered water which I haven't used yet.... Bastards doing all this shit are a damned nightmare... we should round them all up & stick them on one of those prison ships with very hungry rescued fighting dogs for guards!

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One of Fiji Water's selling points is it has more silica in it than other water. I think they said 27%. In any case, try to return it or resell it. Avoid it as much as possible. Our bodies do need silica but the nano needs it too. It's like we are all sharing our bodies and minds with a devil entity, who is inside us. Things good for us are even better for him so we have to be very careful. Tony P is the best authority.

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Dang! DE and Z !!! Hope I didn't doom myself. I've been drinking the crap out out of them. More so the DE cause it also kills certain types of Parasites! Nattokinase?? Thanx for that info. I'll stay tuned to learn more. Much Appreciated!

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Tony P. says no nattokinase.

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You say there's no evidence of salted baths pulling out stuff then list a while bunch of Stoopid ingredients you yourself are taking?

You will see evidence of exit points in the body if you are doing the baths correct. If you are bathing oiling and scraping correctly you will see the scrapings are a sticky plasticy substance when removed.

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Lookout FaCharlie, a morgellons and TI, has a protocol he used that he put out years ago and based on the comments, people were getting good results. He DOES NOT use zeolite.


Also, I'd like to know what this stuff looks like in the bath or bucket? How do you collect it? I just bought a microscope that Firemedic8 recommended, should I just scoop some stuff up and put it on a slide? Can you add food coloring to help it show up?

I'm just not seeing much but dead skin and an eyelash? And a few dark specs

Is there a video that shows you how to do this?

I can't believe I'm discussing my bath water lol.

Also, how fortunate you got someone to look at your blood!

I really appreciate you doing this video and sharing with us all you've learned. I'm praying I feel better and many others do as well very soon!

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Hi there, thank you, but for those questions you have to ask Eric.

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Does that mean you should not take diatomaceous earth? I feed it to my cats who I feed strictly raw meat. I sprinkle tiny amounts of diatomaceous earth on their food but usually they avoid the food if it’s not disguised. So basically I can’t add it daily like I’ve been told to. These 2 cats/kittens are feral from the street, not vaccinated, although 1 got an initial dose of worm medicine that I did not follow up on and the other cat got dewormed and an injected flea treatment by the person who found the poor dear. I begged her not to get him vaccinated and she reluctantly didn’t.

Anyway, I’m trying to figure out what and how to naturally treat/manage parasites. They know when I mixed something in their meat:/

I have not started taking diatomaceous earth myself but was wondering if I should since I too likely have an overgrowth of parasites. I have eaten many raw meats and I live with cats….

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this is great I have heard this a very long time ago and will be good to put it to the test, thankyou

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Hi. Zeolite is a MOF. Metal Organic Framework. The kind of nano thing that links organic to non-organic.

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Yet doesn’t bentonite clay, activated charcoal, & others binders have a negative charge which helps to attract positive charged metals & other substances/things (eg. venoms)?

But I believe one may need to be systematic in using the binders. For example, Dr. Henry Ealy has talked about neutralizing the toxin then breaking it down then using a binder to move it out of the body. Each step uses a different product. I need to go back and look at my notes to see what substances he recommended.

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Not to mention how costly a treatment is….$ is the root of all evil. Beware that you may be following the false light into darkness.

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And as a result of the universal nature of the problem, bottom-feeders are thriving, while people don't have any idea of what is happening...

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I've only listened to the 1st 5 min or so, you cite Mihalcea and she does indeed post some before and after urinalyses, indicating edta chelation removal via urine. I have no intent to promote that method and am keen to continue hearing you out (we're ex-Torontonians as well). But I will say as well you say, after citing Firstenberg - very good of you do - that the metal-emf connexion is "eliminated", yet go on to say the connexion is important. Maybe a correction to that you should do if possible, somewhere after 2 min mark i think. On with listening...(Good of Matt to recommend your 'stack here.)

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Actually, I said illuminated ;)

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Consider CellCore's HM-ET (and other binders with their carbon technology). They had some tremendous videos going deep into the science, but sadly they decided to take all of their resources offline. https://cellcore.com/products/hm-et-binder

Might pick up some of the info here still https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HSTnW2pUBT0

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checked them out. All their binders are nano-supporting. This is more common than not now.

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How many times the carbon c-60 has been condemned by Tony P.

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Cellcore/Microbe Formulas has the best products to remove worms & other parasites. I've used them since 2019 with great success. Other parasite cleanses pale in comparison.

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I agree. Extremely eye opening experience doing the cleanse. I wish their products were still available apart from a practitioner (Microbe Formulas)

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My new account with CellCore allows me to order without a practitioner. Just checked and MicrobeFormulas.com no longer exists. Todd and Jay have moved to a new platform.

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couldn't agree more with this claim...it does not resolve the issue. Good call. Nice to have you onboard Stephan

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Well Done Brother

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Thanks man! Your Great work has been an inspiration and motivation for me to get my butt into gear and finally publish something. The first of many to come :-)

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Apr 9Liked by Stephan D

Could I purchase your anti-nano triangle somewhere without doing a consultation?

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Here: just look under the clip for all the links to purchase:https://stephandubeau.substack.com/p/triangle-benefits-diy-challenges

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Oct 25, 2023Liked by Stephan D

There is the remark about 75% of better looking blood, but earlier it's said that gunk appears after pressing on slide on the periphery - might there be no net improvement in fact, the 25% or so relegated to the slide edges?

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I believe that what I said was: I could see up to 75% of the slide being healthy looking blood. And yes, 25% left would hang around more toward the edges.

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Oct 25, 2023Liked by Stephan D

Oh my GootNess! Thank you so much for sharing your notes and pictures!

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I have some questions: 1) What is the voltage and amperage of your AC/DC charger for the triangle and spike? 2) For the triangle bath, what minerals salts are you using? 3) Have you checked your blood after just a mineral salt bath? 4) Do you have one of Jerry Tennant's devices?

I feel the charge dissipate from my spine after only a mineral salt bath using Mg Sulfate, Na Bicarbonate, Na Borate. I feel they detoxify as well as supply those minerals to my body via osmosis. I am taking Eric's radiation detox baths with the triangle at least every other day. There is very little nano coming out now after 10 baths using the Tomlov microscope. I too think Tennant's findings are interesting. But I did not buy one of his devices. I've been under the assumption until now that diet and exercise can handle the environmental toxins. Synthetic nano bots are a whole different venue.

I suppose I also need to invest in a dark field scope to monitor my status. Thank you for responding.

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Hi Robin,

(1-Mine is a 24 V 6A PS. (2-I haven't done the triangle yet. (3-did not do a simple mineral salt bath. (4-I do not have one of Jerry tenants devices. From what I understand from my conversation with Tony, all device that give you uninterrupted current will charge up the nano technology , which I believe the tenant device would do.

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Could you tell us more about the "charge from your spine?"

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The charge on my spine? It's a tightness that runs up and down my spine. It mostly accumulates at the base of my scull and down into my shoulders. Before taking mineral salt baths and adding in the Triangle, I had infrequent very sharp pains that ran up my neck... to the point that vertebral alignment was lost. The mineral salts, which are alkaline, removed the electrical charge that caused the tightness and pain. From the perspective of zeta potential, the toxins are acidic and cause clumping. The alkaline pH from the minerals balanced the low acidic pH/charge of the toxins. I'll also note that my urine pH lately has been slightly alkaline (7.0-7.4). For the last nine months, I've been focused on balancing my trace minerals, specially copper, and it appears to be helping. PLUS... you mentioned sunshine. Sunshine is coupled with spending time outside and being grounded to the Earth. Being grounded, we pick up free electrons from the Earth's magnetic field. Grounding reduces inflammation. Earthing.com is a source for grounding pads for the house. It appears that Eric has used some Earthing products, but IDK. I'm sitting on a Earthing pad as I type this.

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I think copper is one of the biggest deficiency ever. I take 10 to 30 mg of copper sulphate daily now. Especially since now, everyone takes zinc, which is the antagonist of copper. And also vitamin C, which excretes copper. And yes, grounding absolutely. I was lucky this summer. I moved to a place where right directly behind my house is a fantastic parc with a river. I spend my entire summer, barefoot. I forgot to mention that in the video. See, that's why we need the comments! :-)

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I've taken 20 mg of copper daily for the last 8 weeks. Nothing but improvement. Copper also helps to balance parasites and pathogens. I studied the works of Jason Hommel of revealingfraud.com and Morley Robbins of rcp123.org. Tony P. values copper. They all opened my eyes to copper deficiency and its non-toxicity. Copper is essential for making ADP and hence ATP. No energy currency; no cell function without copper (and magnesium). Copper balances iron, gets it back into circulation and enough copper removes excess iron. Copper also removes heavy metals in the form of metallothioneins as per Jason's research. https://revealingfraud.com/2022/12/health/copper-and-zinc-metallothioneins-for-detoxing-longevity/ Copper dependent SOD (superoxide dismutase) is a metallothionein. Takes time to bring us back into balance.

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The #1 source for copper i believe should be considered to be as per TCM herbology, low cost, rehmannia root with affinity for "kidney", which should be considered the root of all body electric. (Various ways to use, most commonly I think as with myself precooked, ie not raw or cooked in wine e.g., best p3escribed by wise perceptive practitioner) I agree with your inclination to go at it in the 1st instance via food and exercise. After reading the warnings of Sam Milham (see his book, referred to by Firstenberg who is referred to by our host) I am very reticent about using applied artificial electric as therapy. Milham focussed on microwave heating i think it was, seeing connexion to ALS and its use among athletes. Re grounding/earthing as well, he and others warn that since eg the mass installation of "smart" electricity meters (which we led the fight against in early adopter Ontario some 15 yr ago) I think his monitoring found mass est. 10Khz pollution everywhere ("dirty electricity" as spurious frequencies from equipment operation such as in s meters' on-board computers converting ac-dc).

thus one absorbs or can by connexion with ground. (Still my own experience before and since indicates sleeping in contact with the ground makes for best naps, for example, but we live in relatively very low e-smoggy environs as refugees from Toronto...).

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Just picked some copper sulphate up after reading book about it. Curious also what you've heard about these https://m.youtube.com/watch?si=09Ajadcs-sWRpSFI&v=BmX0JHnlhoE&feature=youtu.be

My dad just bought one. I also have a dark field microscope and have been looking at my blood the last few months. Tons of pics. Looks similar to yours. Would love to be able to share and discuss findings after testing. I have sent some pics to David Nixon. Have not created substance myself as I didn't feel confident without some training as you mentioned your looking at doing. What has me hesitant is training I've found is very basic and not looking at synthetic biology.

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I would not use that device myself. Me and Eric are going to do a video discussion which will cover that topic and more. I think you're right about the training. They don't do Nanotech so....

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I would love to go barefoot at our natural spaces in my town, but my country is prolific with spraying roundup everywhere :(

Barefoot on my own lawn only, and the beach when I can get there :)

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Hi Robin,

Its good to hear someone else talk about the grounding. It does have a beneficial effect that I have seen for myself under the scope. I have my big toes on a couple of bits of copper wire as I type this.

The gel is my target at present as I have seen it go from 5 or 10 % to 85% of my venous blood in a matter of weeks. I am also seeing this in others too. One more protocol and then I think I will be doing the spike.... Finally. Mea Culpa, I probably should have taken Erics advice yonks ago, just never got around to building one.

Cheers, matt

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What?! 85%?! Must be a typo?

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Sadly not. Ron Norris's work shows that the gel doesn't show so much without starting the clotting process. Small amount of blood drawn through a small needle would do this hence the reaction and possibly why I can still walk around with that level of contamination. If the reaction happened in the body by way of targeted frequency through your phone, towers or haarp as examples , my guess would be that you would drop similar to many of the sudden deaths on video perhaps? Clever tech I think.

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Love your work Matt! I'm betting on high copper intake to create SOD (superoxide dismutase), which breaks down plastics ( hopefully hydrogel and graphene) and chemicals. My husband had a 3 ft long deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and two small PEs that coagulated a month ago. He's on a blood thinner med, high copper and trace minerals, lumbrokinase, spore probiotics, TCM herbs, homeopathic drainer complex, and now triangle mineral salt baths. He's progressively getting better. He can use his leg and the swelling is gradually going down. He's a very active athletic person, works our small farm, and hikes the Appalacian Trail 200 miles this year. He could have died, but didn't. He stays as active outside as possible and enjoys life. Just saying that grounding has helped him stay alive as well as diet and self care... and now the triangle detox. He was on a trip to PA and VA right before this happened. I believe some broadcast frequency caused it. He totally depends on his energy field to protect him, via the grace of God ... which reminds me to put our EMF protective canopy back over the bed. Enough commenting. Time to get back to work here!

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Oct 29, 2023·edited Oct 29, 2023

85% . . . Jesus :(

I'm keen to see if the triangle works on gel, and I'm so glad you're looking at solutions for the gel. If you're able, could we pay you to build us a triangle too?

What caused it to jump up to 85% and how did it go down from there?

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Thank you for this info and for publishing your video with the book references. I've been using a 19.5V 9A charger. Tony recommended a 24V 6A in one of his last videos. I will try it next to experience the difference. I see Tony's devices, with the LL552 turn signal attachment, delivering pulsed EMF. Pulsed EMF will break up tissue (Robert Beck). Does that mean it puts particles back into solution? Yes, because that's what you are seeing after using the Spike. The Midwestern Doctor (substack) has about four articles on zeta potential and crystalline gel water, which is required in order to keep particles in suspension. Fascinating stuff. He tentatively suggests using a pulsed EMF device to create crystalline water, which is Gerald Pollack's Fourth Phase of Water. Crystalline gel water keeps particles in solution. Hence, Tony's devices create crystalline water and put our RBCs back into solution. They once again have negative charges on the outside of their cell walls, which is why they repel each other. :) It's fun connecting the dots!

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Thanks Robin for such a good reply! I'm going to check out the Midwestern doctor. Isn't it fascinating how much there is to learn?! I was just thinking that in the video, I should've emphasize how having so much polymer in one's blood really is like discovering you have cancer. I don't wanna be a Debbie downer, but, facing reality, how many years of life left does someone have when you have this amount of garbage in your blood if you don't get rid of it? We are slowly being conditioned to seeing all this new information as normal and getting back on auto pilot, but we should freaking wake up right now, and mostly, do something about it, because this shit is gonna kill us all if we don't do anything about it. If there ever was a time to wake up it's now, or one morning we simply will not wake up, period.

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"Debbie downer", nah man, you just live in reality and are willing to fight for your life. I'd rather know and fight back. I'm so glad so many like yourself are out there trying to figure this out.

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As for being Debbie Downer... I feel strongly that we must face and know our enemy. I figure I'm a witness, so I'd better be a good one. "This shit will kill us all of we don't do anything about it." At least I'll know what killed me before I die from it.

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That's the attitude!

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I heard from Eric this is the best one so far.

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Thanks for this info. A midwestern doctor's substack "the forgotten side of medicine" has a large number of fairly long, extremely readable and highly valuable articles discussing medical gaslighting, the above mentioned zeta potential, the sordid history of vaccines, and many other subjects.

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Thanks, Ernie

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No one mentions needing to ensure that your kidney are functioning well prior to starting the chelating process so when these items are excreted from the kidneys no further harm/damage occurs.

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Balance is key in everything. Start easy and see how you feel and adjust accordingly as what I do

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Oct 28, 2023·edited Oct 28, 2023Liked by Stephan D

Functional kidneys are very important. Keeping all the elimination pathways (kidneys, liver, lungs, skin) open and flowing is absolutely necessary. To that end, I take a homeopathic drainer complex whenever I feel congested, which sometimes is daily. And I've done this since 1991. It's important to detox these organs to remove their blockages BEFORE doing heavy metal detox of any kind... because the kidneys can fail. Then what? Who wants to be on dialysis for the rest of their life or die during the detox attempt? It might be wise to have kidney function medically checked before beginning a detox program. As Stephan D says, start very slowly... see how you feel... and continue or back off accordingly. One has to be very aware of their body before taking on a detox protocol. It's an approach and retreat process. It's taken me years to develop the sensitivity for my "edge". No sense pushing past the "edge". I developed the sensitivity doing Hatha yoga.

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Just a comment on silica which naturally occurs in plants like Horsetail Fern. It is different from synthetic silicone used in breast implants. Natural silica when combined with boron makes bones stronger, stops advancement of arthritis and osteoporosis. Go to YouTube and look up Dr Jorge Fletchas MD, PhD. He has done 30 or so years of research on the benefits of taking these 2 elements.

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Here are links in case you want to do more research.

I haven't built or tried anything yet, but the triangle build is on the schedule.


Anti-nano devices - links and info (Tony P. is Tony Pantelleresco).

# Triangle

Iyannis anti-nano triangle demo


Tony P. How to build Anti-Nano Triangle


Dr Dena Interview with Triangle


# Spike

Building the Spike (FM8 edits on Tony P. video


Tony P. - Building the Spike


Firemedic8 with Tony P. - Spike for experienced users


The Spike Device - Solutions4Mankind, version 1. Modification of the device from Tony Pantalleresco


# Bucket

Iyannis - Anti-Nano bucket demo


Tony P. - How To Make the Anti-Nano bucket


# Iyannis anti-nano web shop

Iyannis - How to connect the Pulse Generators AN-PEMF-O1 & AN-PEMF-02v to the anti-nano triangle and bucket


Iyannis Bermuda triangle info


Iyannis solutions4mankind webshop - The Spike device


YouTube channel


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Hey, thanks wicked truth! Awesome :-)

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Oct 24, 2023·edited Oct 24, 2023

Thanks so much for sharing. Please share your updates using the triangle. Thanks be to God we can fight back this insanity. And thanks for sharing what you did at the end. This is life or death. I believe they are spraying chemicals to make us passive. It's confirmed that they have sprayed lithium on people in the US. We have to fight to keep ourselves from being passive.

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anybody have any experience with the " bob beck " zapper or any hulda clark zappers ... anybody done any blood work with zappers ???? or em pulsers

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I have a Bob Beck zapper. But I replaced it with a Indigo/SCIO biofeedback device over ten years ago. It has a zapping program on it. In training, we were warned about over zapping a pathogen. It's better to gradually improve the body's terrain with life style changes than go after pathogens. Remove the sources of toxins; remove bad habits; improve diet and the company we keep. :)

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That one photograph of a bare hand holding a blood clot. Seriously not from a medical professional. They don't ever do that without gloves because it contaminates sample... And exposes themselves to God only knows what.

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Hi Aunty,

When its your own blood from inside your own body there isnt much concern about skin contact infecting yourself.. also the plastic content is kept to weigh and the blood merely washed away so contamination isnt an issue either. I dont bother with gloves when handling my own either unless i intend to send it for testing one day. Sometimes I will lift the clot out of a tube with tweezers and put it straight in a clipseal bag. you can then hand wring most of the serum out of it and a few hours of air exposure will dry it out. A new paradigm we have today... Those "medical professionals" are why we are all in the shit today and that title no longer holds trust for most.

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What he said

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So you did the Pfizer jabs? If so, how many boosters did you do?

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No, I am a 13 year old working for fizza out of my basement, but didnt take any jabs or tests. How bout you?

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I knew you were 13

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they are adding microcrystalline cellulose and silica and titanium dioxide to almost all natural tabs. Tony P. says the health industry has been taken over. I bought some ivermectin for horses and found out they put titanium dioxide in it. Ourselves and our animals are not safe at all.

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Hi Stephan, that was a fascinating video. How are you getting on with the anti-nano devices? Please can you give us an update. I'm desperate to help my son, who has a set of neurological symptoms, called pans/pandas that are not responding to supplements or vitamins. Thank you in advance.

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Mar 26·edited Aug 7Author

Hey, sorry I just realized I never replied to you. I'm making a video on the triangle right now with all details and testimonies.

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Hi Stephan, been following your stack (as well as FM8, Tony and others).

Came across magnetic blankets... marketed for pain relief. Wondering if you can send this to FM8/tony and see what they think about it for use as anti-nano device?


Cheers and thx for all your work from a fellow Canadian outside Toronto

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Hey everyone! So glad I found this information! I am in desperate need of a triangle and do not have the physical strength/stamina to make my own. Can you direct me to where I can purchase? Thank you soooo much!

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Hi temple, sorry for being so late to reply. Things have been crazy on my side with my mom at the hospital and I'm just getting back on track right now. Making a video on the result of the triangle right now. Two amazing testimonials from people I know personally. Seriously, amazing results. If you want me to build you one I can. I have three right now. I'm ready to go. There are built on FM8 design. You can click on my link if you go to my name on sub stack .

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